Monday, April 25, 2011


You jump,to reach the bottom,
of the overpowering ocean.
The anticipation takes you inside,
but the commotion keeps you alive.
You look at the oysters,
and they bite you.
You long to be fluid,to be renitent,
But all you can feel,
is your withered skin,to remind you,
that you are only human.
That you are merely a human.
The ocean wasn't created for you to conquer,
it was created for you to explore.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I knew it would be difficult,
I am the one who made it so.
I don't regret it.I don't regret who I am.
I only regret what the world,
has turned me into,a maverick,an oddity.
I never blamed them,
as I was caught in the pangs ,
of self-condemnation and ruefulness.
I'm tired,but I can't stop.
I want to,I have to,I need to continue.
I don't want to be remembered,
a quitter,a weak,frustrated person,
who could not cope with the single-most reality,
of life,that many have gone through,
with delight rather than remorse.