Thursday, November 17, 2011


I feel like someone,
Has been pulling my heartstrings lately,
It seems like the agony,
Of fire, and restiveness,
It seems like the relief,
Of ice, and content,
It seems like the fluttering,
Of butterflies and raven locks,
It seems like the lull,
Before a storm, a heartbreak,
It seems like the happiness,
That I may never have, but desire,
I looked inside, raged with fury;
It was the wretched Amor.
Alone and contented, I was no more.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Why does it need catalysts?
It emanates from the soul,
Like the anger of a volcano,
Like the lump in your throat,
Like the tears that transcend,
the smile that extends,
beyond the sphere of expectation.
It gushes out before you know it,
Like love at first sight,
Like the art which caught unawares,
Like the words of regret,
Like the sand in an hourglass,
Like the moments of happiness,
Like the poetry, that emerges,
from within. From the beyond.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


I look into the mirror,
And I see a person, very different,
from who I thought she was.
I see a person, who has different aspirations,
dreams, ideas, perceptions, sensitivities.
I looked her in the eye, confronted her,
Asked her, what the reason was,
for the metamorphosis. The revelation.
Do people change so much,
that they can't recognize themselves?
That the mirror seems deceitful to them?
That they look at their past,
and delve into a different reality,
a better life, the hope for a future.
Why is it that I could never imagine,
turning into this person I am now,
being comfortable in this skin,
that was once a distant.
The new me seems insubstantial, to some,
But remains real, to me.
I have learnt to love and cherish this being,
no matter what, no matter how.
I am fortunate to be in this body,
for  now, and for always.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Simplicity of Salt and Pepper

I wish,
My grandfather's old album,
My grandmother's glorious youth,
My crisp white school shirt,
The paradisaical white dove of peace,
would get some character,
That it would get some colour.
I wonder,
If I shook the salt and pepper shakers,
hard enough,they would turn blue.
If I stared at the sky long enough,
it would turn orange.
If I danced with inimitable joy,
my movements would get fluorescent special effects.
If I cried with enough passion,
my tears would colour my life.
If I smiled with enough splendour,
it would reflect the rainbow.

I chose the colour blue for my blog because I think it represents the sea.It's limitlessness and the colour that it possesses within it's surface.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Pooh Paradox

Maybe we weren't created,
by the same God.
Maybe there aren't remonstrances,
for the unequal casting,
of the so-called play,
that we call life.
Maybe the creator, in his swings,
was being sadistic.
He wanted a potpourri,
but I do not want a dried flower.
I may have to live in the garden,
but I leave alone nonetheless.Burdenless.
Take that away from me,you can't.
He can't.
She can't.
It can't.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


A tall,dark,handsome stranger,
I do not care for the banality,
I need something tangier,
Not a cliché, or a liability.
I need depth, not judgement,
Diving ,rather than just peeking,
I live life, not an enactment,
I can do with anything,but mocking.
Inner beauty can be seen,
You need to come close enough,
To be able to notice the sheen.
To have skin like the pearls,
Hair like the Maenads,
Eyes like limpid pools
a girl can lie.
But to have a heart of gold,
I would gladly die.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Inspiring blues,
in different hues,
hanging loose,
holding me,by the noose.
hiding under,
innumerable hoods.
White dove,
pink love,
a harsh shove.
Glistening chimera,
nothing else would rhyme,
but Che Guevara.
A broken glass,
A missed pass,
Everything but a farce.
Postmodernist May,
optimist ray,

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Changes are part of life,
I know,doesn't everybody?
I know that things transform,
Doesn't everybody?
I want things to remain perfect,
Everybody doesn't.
Perfection is boring.
It makes life tasteless.
I want to be happy.
I do not want moods.
I want emotions.
I despise transient joy.
I'd rather have continual sorrow.
I want to be excited with life.
I want to enjoy every moment.
Everybody can't.
I want to be released,
from the curse of mortality.
Flawed feelings. Insatiable desire.
Selfish mortal,that you are.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


It's aggravating, extremely hurting,
how one emotion can change perceptions,
Perceptions and opinions that were held,
like a sacred thread,throughout your existence.
Your existence, that once symbolised,
prudence, orthodox  pragmatism.
I abhor being dangled like a puppet,
but I cannot help but succumb to it,
Intoxicating, makes me react, passionately,
beyond worldly rhyme or reason.
It makes a smell the roses,that made me nauseous,
Smash the crystals,that I once treasured.
I try to be unaffected by it,but alas!
I am only human. And of the wrong sex at that.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I totally agree with it. I am writing this post in a very disillusioned state of mind right now. It is alarming how something as 'ordinary' and 'mundane' as death disturbs us to alarming extents. Something even more mind-boggling is the fact that we don’t really value a person until he/she is gone. We recently lost a boy at school to Cancer. I was surprised at how unfeeling my reaction was, which is probably because I did not know him. But it still felt unreal. Someone, whom you’ve been seeing almost every day, is suddenly not there. You don’t know where he is, and never will. The emotions vary, but the reaction is the same, that of awe. When my brother died, I cried, and then I ran out of tears. When a fellow student was lost to Cancer, I did not cry, but it was dreamlike. My classmates, who were old students of the school, mourned his death and I kept wondering how fortunate he was to have so many people who will remember him by. Most importantly, I somehow believed that he will come back to see it and all this will remain just another episode in our lives. People always say that your beloved ones never die and that their memories last in your mind forever. I don’t believe that. I believe that time is cruel. It eases your pain, and fades your memory. It forces you to move on and you finally start questioning that force within. You keep asking him/her if life, something that we marvel, does not cut-out to be so fascinating when you look at death so closely. You move on, and mercilessly , life moves on with you.

Monday, April 25, 2011


You jump,to reach the bottom,
of the overpowering ocean.
The anticipation takes you inside,
but the commotion keeps you alive.
You look at the oysters,
and they bite you.
You long to be fluid,to be renitent,
But all you can feel,
is your withered skin,to remind you,
that you are only human.
That you are merely a human.
The ocean wasn't created for you to conquer,
it was created for you to explore.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I knew it would be difficult,
I am the one who made it so.
I don't regret it.I don't regret who I am.
I only regret what the world,
has turned me into,a maverick,an oddity.
I never blamed them,
as I was caught in the pangs ,
of self-condemnation and ruefulness.
I'm tired,but I can't stop.
I want to,I have to,I need to continue.
I don't want to be remembered,
a quitter,a weak,frustrated person,
who could not cope with the single-most reality,
of life,that many have gone through,
with delight rather than remorse.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


It seemed like the perfect paradise,
I kept running towards it,ceaselessly,
and surprisingly,it did not go farther away,
but kept coming closer,and closer,
and I,kept getting slower and more passionless,
with every passing moment,which,
for a change,seemed to move faster than me.
I cringed,because I was disgusted,
at my own stupidity,the stupor,
that makes me abscond with a new facade,
even after I get deceived by the quondam lover,
one after the other,every single time.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Give Away

I felt that it would take the burden off,
to uncover everything before her,
to exhibit the deepest feelings,
the yellowest pages of my diary,
but instead,she humiliated me,
Enervated,I felt brandished,naked.
I soon realised,that it was not meant to be,
The drops of my feelings,
shall not quench thirsts,ever.
I realised that,and clothed myself.
I knew that the scoffing,the banters,
would make my life a travesty.
Before that happened,
I cloaked it.
This body is too delicate,
to be shown to the world yet.


I have been silenced by the world,the psyche,
my whole life,ever since I can remember.
I would concentrate,the peruses would be endless,
yet,I would not wreck a soul in the big blue marble.
Has the Universe got anything against me?
Against my eccentricity?My fortune?
It never ceases to distract me,
I never cease to get distracted.
It transforms into the sacred enchantress,
And the saint  gets seduced,tempted,
Submits himself to a meager,yet otherworldly temptation,
With the penetrating ease of a gain,
that disappears,with the illusionist.

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I've always wondered what absolute happiness is,
but I've discovered something that comes pretty close,
the sound of music,and the harmony of my body,flowing with it,
The rhythm of the universe,gives me hope,
And direction,to go along with the symphony,
the psalms of divergence,the aria of peace.
The grace of my soul,the agility of this treacherous body,
push me to become one with the beast.
The addiction of a spotlight,the liability of an encore,
which holds me back,instead of letting me be.
I wonder,if it is an infatuation,that would flee,
once the time drags by,and the light fades,
Or,is it true love,that stays with me till death do us part?
But now I am sure,because I realised,
that I was not an escapist,that it was not a weakness,
But the strength that held me,to face those trials.
Some call it dance,I call it the inspiration,
Of my life,my being,my poetry,my insanity.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Words,My Mistakes

I stood on a cliff of unknown happenings,
the future,the inevitable,my destiny.
I stood there with excitement,
with the hysteria of being a discoverer,
with the anxiety of discovering,
the unknown fear within me,waiting to pounce.
I was right,it did come to me.
But did not have the audacity,
to fight me face to face,but instead,
it back-stabbed me,with an array,
of surprises,named my misfortunes,
that I called upon myself.
The shock pushed me into the sea,
the unfathomable sea of regret.
And I couldn't save myself.
Just like the arrows that were shot at me,
Just like those deplorable cries,
that made me ask for mercy,
Just like those words,that once spoken,
couldn't be taken back,
I drowned,without being able to go back,
to a free world,a safe shore,a life spent with ease.