Saturday, March 26, 2011


It seemed like the perfect paradise,
I kept running towards it,ceaselessly,
and surprisingly,it did not go farther away,
but kept coming closer,and closer,
and I,kept getting slower and more passionless,
with every passing moment,which,
for a change,seemed to move faster than me.
I cringed,because I was disgusted,
at my own stupidity,the stupor,
that makes me abscond with a new facade,
even after I get deceived by the quondam lover,
one after the other,every single time.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Give Away

I felt that it would take the burden off,
to uncover everything before her,
to exhibit the deepest feelings,
the yellowest pages of my diary,
but instead,she humiliated me,
Enervated,I felt brandished,naked.
I soon realised,that it was not meant to be,
The drops of my feelings,
shall not quench thirsts,ever.
I realised that,and clothed myself.
I knew that the scoffing,the banters,
would make my life a travesty.
Before that happened,
I cloaked it.
This body is too delicate,
to be shown to the world yet.


I have been silenced by the world,the psyche,
my whole life,ever since I can remember.
I would concentrate,the peruses would be endless,
yet,I would not wreck a soul in the big blue marble.
Has the Universe got anything against me?
Against my eccentricity?My fortune?
It never ceases to distract me,
I never cease to get distracted.
It transforms into the sacred enchantress,
And the saint  gets seduced,tempted,
Submits himself to a meager,yet otherworldly temptation,
With the penetrating ease of a gain,
that disappears,with the illusionist.