Sunday, December 5, 2010


I woke up that morning to find the bed empty,
that is when I discovered that she had left.
She had left for God knows how long,
but the only thing I knew was that,
She's left,taking a part of me with her.
Absence makes the heart grow stronger,
But her absence made my heart weak,
knowing that my first and last succor,
during times of need had left,not forever,
but for what seemed like an eternity.
I was never cordial with her,
Nor did we share a blatant animosity,
but somewhere we knew that one needed the other.
Somewhere,somehow,somewhat abstract.
I knew that I could make myself used to it,
Used to the fact that another significant part of the puzzle,
had gone missing,and I just had to find a new one.
It is not very difficult for me,
to make peace with things being absent.
The difficulty comes ,
when I have to wallow in their absence.

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