Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Butterfly

I used to look at the sun very often,
It's magnificent rays,
The limitless shine,the infinite glow.
The sun had dignity,it had courage,
to go beyond those horizons,
and show the world it's reality,
It's aura,the splendidness ,
It's unparalleled beauty,beyond anybody's comprehension.
 The world told me not to look at the sun for long,
It said I would squint and be blinded by the strength,
I was told not to dream of the impossible,the unconquerable,
Without once noticing my irrevocable fascination,
It marked boundaries,confines to my aspirations,
 And a constraint to separate reality from beautiful ambitions.
Ambitions,which would give me wings,
regardless of the encumbrance,
The burden,of worldly norms,
The fear of exile.
My ambitions were mercilessly trampled.
Lost,I began gazing at the moon,
The shining silver light,
gently patting even the tiniest of objects,
Not seeking meaningless boundaries,
Gave me inspiration,
A mellow feeling inside my heart,
Inspiration to grab my aspirations,
and give them life,and vitality.
But alas! I was encountered again,
by the confederacy of restrictions.
I was scolded now,for being fooled,
Fooled by the deceptive beauty,
of the moon,which would put one in a trance,
And disappear within the blink of an eye,
Not to be seen for almost an eternity.
But I did not stop dreaming,
and looked up into the sky,
to finally discover that it was endless.
It was infinite,vast,heavenly, unsurpassed,
Just like those dreams,
which I never stopped having,
and never will.
The butterfly had to break free,
from the cocoon one day
it did,and what a sight it was.

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